At it’s most basic, the pool table is a small battlefield. An excerpt from “The Art of War” is provided with how it applies to the competition between opponents.
This segment is from:
Chapter 11 – The nine situations
Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear …
(If this is the first post you’ve seen, read the AWAP Introduction & instructions post.)
This information considers how battlefield strategies and tactics can be used to win more games. If this seems interesting, read these AWAP posts.
If asked how to cope with a great host of the enemy in orderly array and on the point of marching to the attack, I should say: “Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will.”
If your opponent shows great skills early in the competition, what should you do? The answer is to be patient, while you do what can be done to prevent his advancement. In other words, complicate the layout and deny chances to advance. Maintain your strategies. Eventually, his energy cycle will move downward and you will be ready to take advantage and advance yourself.
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