Tag Archives: skills

(BSC) Billiard Skills Challenge – CB Maneuvers: Mid table Safety Training, Zone 1 (Intermediate)

(About the Author)

Billiards Skills Competition Training Program

Here is Today’s Test Group Challenge from the book. Several run-outs in a row develops personal confidence when similar maneuvering is needed to run-out to a game win during competition.

PURPOSE:  Kiss the CB off the OB and roll the CB inside the Target Zone.

This is from the CB Maneuvers Test Groups. Continue reading

(BSC) Billiard Skills Challenge – Small Area Maneuvers: Set 4 of 6 (Intermediate & Advanced layouts)

(About the Author)

Billiards Skills Competition Training Program

Here is Today’s Test Group Challenge from the book. Several run-outs in a row develops personal confidence when similar maneuvering is needed to run-out to a game win during competition.

PURPOSE:  Pocket the balls in sequence to clear the table.
Start with Ball-in-Hand.

This is from the Small Area Maneuvers (Intermediate & Advanced) Test Groups. Continue reading

(D&E) Drills & Exercises – Pocket Skills (straight): OB 2 D to Pocket

(About the Author)

This progressive exercise to improve your shooting skills is in the book Drills & Exercises for Pool & Pocket Billiards.

This setup concentrates on progressive pocketing skills. There is no concern about where the CB ends up.

This is a multiple cue ball speed and spin drill. See Cue Ball Speed and Spin Variations. Make sure to observe the cue ball action (path from OB, any rail action, etc.) until it stops. You need to remember the results when you are in competition. Continue reading

(BSC) Billiard Skills Challenge – Stun Cue Ball (Intermediate) Test Group

(About the Author)

Billiards Skills Competition Training Program

Here is Today’s Test Group Challenge from the book. This progressive set develops personal confidence when similar shots come up during competition – and define Comfort Zone limitations.

PURPOSE:  Pocket the 1 Ball on each of the the designated attempts for each layout in the Test Group. Stun and hold the cue ball on the designated target area.

This is the Stun Cue Ball (Intermediate) Test Group. There is also an Advanced Test Group. Continue reading

(BSC) Billiard Skills Challenge – Draw Cue Ball, set 1 (Intermediate) Test Group

(About the Author)

Billiards Skills Competition Training Program

Here is Today’s Test Group Challenge from the book. This progressive set develops personal confidence when similar shots come up during competition – and define Comfort Zone limitations.

PURPOSE:  Pocket the 1 Ball on each of the the designated attempts for each layout in the Test Group. Draw the cue ball onto the designated target area.

This is the Draw Cue Ball. set 1 (Intermediate) Test Group. There is also an Advanced Test Group. Continue reading

(D&E) Drills & Exercises – (Side Pocket V) Run-outs, Set 4 of 4

(About the Author)

This progressive exercise to improve your playing skills is in the book Drills & Exercises for Pool & Pocket Billiards.

This is a multiple cue ball speed and spin drill. See Cue Ball Speed and Spin Variations. Make sure to observe the cue ball action (path from OB, any rail action, etc.) until it stops. You need to remember the results when you are in competition.

Purpose: Runout the set of balls with controlled CB speed/spin. Continue reading

(BSC) Billiard Skills Challenge (video) – Follow Cue Ball (Intermediate) Test Group

(About the Author)

Billiards Skills Competition Training Program

Here is Today’s Test Group Challenge from the book. This progressive set develops personal confidence when similar shots come up during competition – and define Comfort Zone limitations.

PURPOSE:  Pocket the 1 Ball on each of the the designated attempts for each layout in the Test Group. Roll the cue ball onto the designated target zone.

This is the Follow Cue Ball (Intermediate) Test Group  (part of the Cue Ball Control Skills chapter. There is also an Advanced Test Group. Continue reading

(BSC) Billiard Skills Challenge – Small Area Maneuvers: Set 5 of 6 (Intermediate & Advanced layouts)

(About the Author)

Billiards Skills Competition Training Program

Here is Today’s Test Group Challenge from the book. Several run-outs in a row develops personal confidence when similar maneuvering is needed to run-out to a game win during competition.

PURPOSE:  Pocket the balls in sequence to clear the table.
Start with Ball-in-Hand.

This is from the Small Area Maneuvers (Intermediate & Advanced) Test Groups. Continue reading

(BSC) Billiard Skills Challenge – CB off OB Speed Control:, cross side (Advanced)

(About the Author)

Billiards Skills Competition Training Program

Here is Today’s Test Group Challenge from the book. This progressive set develops personal confidence when similar shots come up during competition – and define Comfort Zone limitations.

PURPOSE:  From the setup, kiss the Cue Ball off the Object Ball and roll the Cue Ball into the target zone.

This is the Cue Ball off Object Ball Speed Control (Advanced) Test Group . There is also an Intermediate Test Group. Continue reading