(FAQ) You are obsessive about pool when…

(About the Author)

This checklist tell you if you have a pool addiction. If you discover this is a personal problem – good for you!!

Here’s a list (add more as needed):

  • The number of friends who don’t play pool can be counted on one hand.
  • You monthly budget includes table time, league match fees, and tournament entry fees.
  • You know who played on the last five Mosconi Open teams, but can’t identify the five largest continents of the planet.
  • When planning family vacations, they just happen to coincide with a major tournament in the area.
  • Your bridge hand is permanently stained with chalk.
  • You can describe every detail about your cue, but have to think to remember the make and color of your car.
  • You leave early from work to play pool at least three times a week.
  • You have spent more money on your cues than your car is worth.
  • Your wife stops asking, “Where are you going?” as you leave the house.
  • On holidays celebrated at home, you’re in the pool hall an hour after dinner.
  • You know more people at the pool room than at the family reunion.
  • Your pool hall knows your home and cell phone.
  • Your computer at work has an online pool game available at the click of a mouse.
  • Your browser at work has a couple of tabs tuned to billiard forums.
  • The five major events of your life in order of importance are:
    • Your first break and run.
    • The first tournament you took first place.
    • The worst session of pool ever
    • When you finally beat the best player in the pool hall
    • Your wedding

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The FAQs of Pool & Pocket Billiards

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