(This is today’s bit of advice from the book Safety Toolbox.)
For these exercises, you want to stun the cue ball and slide it down into the intended location using different speeds from slow to fast. There are a lot of hidden lessons built into this exercise. Learn them.
Stun control 1
Shoot the cue ball through the object ball to the target position (shadow ball locations). Use Post-It sheets as targets. Each shadow ball is a target position (about a half diamond apart). Stay on the line. Practice this with a thin and full hit.
Stun control 2
Keep practicing these. It may become boring, but it provides the skill to achieve square-inch positioning. Each shadow ball is a target position.
Stun control 3
Each stopping position requires gently increased speed (a minor amount of draw can help). Use different speeds. Each shadow ball is a target position.
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