(This is today’s bit of advice from the book Safety Toolbox.)
When you decide that the best shot for the circumstances is a safety, there are a wide variety of factors to be evaluated. These considerations are necessary to help fine tune your options and select the most effective shot within your skills.
KNOW your ball control abilities
Some situations require that one or more balls be rolled into precise locations. Other shots have more tolerance in ball roll distances and positioning. For example, when considering a hidden ball safety, the size of the shadow zone determines the level of precision required. Distance and bad angle safeties allow significant variances, but still require proper attention and intention.
The table layout usually offers a wide variety of safety shots limited only by your imagination. The final shooting choice must be within your personal ball control abilities. One of the common mistakes players make in shot selection is to attempt something beyond their ability to perform. Keep things simple and within your capabilities.
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