(AWAP) Art of War v. Art of Pool – Chapter 12 – making attacks with fire

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At it’s most basic, the pool table is a small battlefield. An excerpt from “The Art of War” is provided with how it applies to the competition between opponents.

This segment is from:

Chapter 12 – Attack by fire

There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, …

(If this is the first post you’ve seen, read the AWAP Introduction & instructions post.)

This information considers how battlefield strategies and tactics can be used to win more games. If this seems interesting, read these AWAP posts.


There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration. The proper season is when the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is in the constellations of the Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar; for these four are all days of rising wind.


There are appropriate times when to create tactical difficulties. Many choices are made because of your poor positioning skills. Other choices are created when unforeseen problems occurred. The need to initiate a denial of choice can simply have occurred intentionally or even accidently by the opponent.

Such decisions require a reality check on your abilities, and a consideration of the consequences if you come up short of your goal. Decisions to use defense require a reality check on your opponent’s abilities and what he cannot handle.



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