(FAQ) What are the dangers of lending out your stick?

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If you have spent good money on stick that you are using regularly, you are very careful to use it correctly and well. You take steps to ensure it is well maintained and also stored safety. If you lend the stick out for someone else to use, especially a stranger who expresses an interest, what are some of the things that could go wrong.

You don’t want to do these things:

  • On chalking the tip, the shaft is tapped against the side of the table, putting a ding in the wood.
  • On an over-extension, the player slipped and broke the stick across the joint.
  • Scratched and dirty ferrule.
  • Excessive amounts of talc powder up and down the stick.
  • Jumps up on the stroke and dings the shaft on the light fixture.
  • Uses it as a break stick and flattens the tip.
  • The shaft comes back all sticky.

You can prevent strangers from touching your stick by telling the person of the value of the stick (take the price paid and double it). Something like, “Excuse me, that stick is worth $900. If you want to try it, you need to buy it.” This will usually cause the person to hesitate and hand the stick back with care.

As a standard procedure, do not let anyone touch your stick. If you have to leave the table for something, make sure you have a friend keep an eye on your valuables. If you don’t, carry your stick with you.

If the request to use your stick comes from a good friend of proven responsibility, it might be OK. There are some people who will treat the property of others with even more care than their own. These are good friends to have.

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