These are general guidelines. Generally, the greater the speed that you can hit the cue ball, the more the balls will spread out and increase the chances that one of the balls will fall into a pocket. This will allow the breaker to continue shooting.
Almost everyone has a favorite location to put the cue ball for breaking. They might not have a logical reason, but it is satisfactory for them. Some place the cue ball closer to the short rail so that they can bridge off the rail. Others place the cue ball closer to the head string.
Some individuals micro-manage the location an inch this way or that way. They are trying to figure out what location gives the best results. Others have general areas that they use time after time. These are three locations along the head string that are most commonly used:
- Near the long rail
- About one diamond from the rail
- A few inches to the side of the head spot
Do not break from the head spot straight down into the apex ball of the rack. The energy of the cue ball spreads equally throughout the rack and the balls don’t move very far.
Speed is important, but blinding speed is not the complete breaking solution. There are those who break with slower speeds and get results that are just as effective. Do a lot of experimentation. Eventually, you will find a cue ball position that gives satisfactory results. That sweet spot will vary slightly from table to table. To find it on a new table, set up a break a few racks.
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