These series of “Game Rules’ provide rules of many different games for the pool table. The rules here have been simplified from the official versions – to make them a little easier to understand.
There are other games that have been invented, copyrighted and generally available to the playing public. Web searches will turn these up and the rules printed out for use.
This game uses elements of straight pool along with rotation. Players of all skill levels can enjoy the challenge of this game.
Play 10 innings. Each ball is 1 point. Pocket as many balls as possible of the 15 balls. Scores are added for each inning to determine final score.
Multiple players.
Regular set of balls.
Standard random rack.
Breaker determined by local rules (coin, lag, card draw, etc.)
Break is a free shot. No penalty for scratches, balls off the table, etc. All balls pocketed or jumped are spotted.
After breaking, start with ball in hand and begins the inning.
Regular play
Call ball and pocket.
Each inning has a “random” and “rotation” segment. A coin, placed heads up, starts of the inning as random – each ball is 1 point.
The shooter (at will) can flip the coin anytime to tails and shoot balls in rotation – each ball is 2 points. Only one switch allowed per inning.
Incidental pocketed balls count when made on a pocketed legal ball.
Inning ends on a miss or foul.
Incoming player starts with a new rack.
Penalty is end of turn.
- No legal shot
- Ball off the table
- Scratch
- Illegal ball touching (optional – moved balls can be replaced with opponent’s approval and play continues with no penalty)
This game can be played by smart phone with any group of players at their tables. Innings are started together and scores reported to the scorekeeper.
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