(FAQ) What is “pocket speed”?

(About the Author)

Pocket speed means that the object ball is moving just fast enough to make it to the intended pocket and roll over the edge. It doesn’t have enough speed to hit the back of the pocket.

In several of the commonly played games, it is an extremely useful shot.

  • In 8 Ball, if the aim was not correct, the object ball dies in the jaws of the pocket, leaving an easy shot for later and a pocket blocker against your opponent.
  • In 1 Pocket, the slow roll puts the missed ball in the jaws, making it harder to knock out and away.
  • The corner pocket could be cheated even more because the ball has a gentle forward momentum. It can kiss off the rail corner and still drop.
  • When you can stroke the cue ball with careful speed, the distance it travels becomes more predictable.

Initially, it can be difficult to gauge the necessary cue ball speed to make the object ball travel at speed to its destination. You have to develop a very good feel for the table, any deviations, and a perfect aim.

It is worth the time to learn to make this shot an effective tool. There is a great satisfaction in shooting this shot, then wait and wait and

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