Two shooters play a “4-ahead” race. The first player wins the toss, breaks and runs four games in a row. The second player says he needs a spot. The first player says, “Can’t do that. I haven’t seen you play.”
What does a pool player have in common with a small pizza? Neither will feed a family of four.
How do you get a pool player to leave the front door of your home? Pay for the pizza he just delivered.
Two guys get ready to play a match. The first guy asks, “Do you make good money playing pool? The second player responds, “I’m working on my second million.” The first guy asks, “Really?” The other guy says, “Yup, I gave up trying to get my first million.”
What do you call a pool player without a girlfriend? Homeless.
The new bride is carried across the threshold of their honeymoon suite. She sees his cue case leaning against the wall. As she looks at him with fire in her eyes, he says, “This won’t take all night, will it?”
What do you call a dozen pool players in the basement? A whine cellar.
What do pool players use for birth control? Their personalities.
What’s the difference between a pool player and a puppy dog? The dog eventually stops whining.
What’s wrong with pool player jokes? Pool players don’t think they are funny and everyone else doesn’t think they are jokes.
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